- Cayenne
- A popular variety, great for cooking and dehydrating. This is the pepper to plant if you want to add heat to your dinners!
- Corno Di Toro Sweet Pepper
- 4-6" sweet red peppers. Very nice shape, fairly prolific plants. A fairly standard flavor, slightly on the bitter side.
- Hungarian Carrot Pepper
- "Great for Frying" was the description that came along with these pepper seeds. Very prolific plants - not for eating raw. We're giving these another try this year.
- Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Italian Frying Pepper
- These are a terrific sweet pepper (that looks like a chile pepper), and as the name suggests, it is excellent for frying! Prolific plants with 4-6" fruits.
- Marconi Rosso (Red Marconi)
- This is a large, red sweet pepper. 6-8" long. Moderately prolific plants.
- Purira
- Beautiful little, colorful hot chile peppers! These peppers are like Christmas lights; they change from green to yellow to purple to orange to red. The longer you let them ripen on the plant, the hotter they become!
Thai Hot
Seed Source: Livington Seed
Another new variety for 2011. I don’t know much about these peppers, but if we like them we’ll save seeds and see how they perform next year!