
Cayenne Pepper
A popular variety, great for cooking and dehydrating. This is the pepper to plant if you want to add heat to your dinners!

Corno di Torro Sweet Red Pepper
Corno Di Toro Sweet Pepper
4-6" sweet red peppers. Very nice shape, fairly prolific plants. A fairly standard flavor, slightly on the bitter side.

Hungarian Carrot Peppers
Hungarian Carrot Pepper
"Great for Frying" was the description that came along with these pepper seeds. Very prolific plants - not for eating raw. We're giving these another try this year.

Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Italian Frying Pepper
Jimmy Nardello's Sweet Italian Frying Pepper
These are a terrific sweet pepper (that looks like a chile pepper), and as the name suggests, it is excellent for frying! Prolific plants with 4-6" fruits.

Red Marconi Sweet Pepper
Marconi Rosso (Red Marconi)
This is a large, red sweet pepper. 6-8" long. Moderately prolific plants.

Purira Hot Chile Peppers
Beautiful little, colorful hot chile peppers! These peppers are like Christmas lights; they change from green to yellow to purple to orange to red. The longer you let them ripen on the plant, the hotter they become!

Thai Hot

Seed Source: Livington Seed

Another new variety for 2011. I don’t know much about these peppers, but if we like them we’ll save seeds and see how they perform next year!

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