Amana Orange
Seed Source: Seeds of Change
Heirloom Tomato Variety
Highly Recommended. Terrific large slicing tomato. (This is the bottom tomato in the stack on the right above).
A long-time favorite. Large, meaty, flavorful orange tomatoes. Absolutely perfect sliced on a veggie burger or sandwich. Very sweet, delicious flavor.
Amana Orange tomatoes vary in shape (some are more round, while others are irregular-shaped). Just about all fruits are palm-sized or larger. Try to pick these when they still have a bit of green left on the tops; if they become too overripe on the vine, they will rot quickly in the heat.
We first started growing this fruit in 2006, and saved seeds for 4 years. In 2010, our tomatoes were covered with blight, and so we started with a new packet of seeds from Seeds of Change in 2011.
Disease and Pests
Plants are highly susceptible to blight. However, the fruits do not appear to be too affected by the blight, and the plants continue to produce even when the leaves are removed or have become withered from the fungus. They are prone to cracking, as many heirloom varieties are. Because of this, the bottoms often need to be discarded, and a few will turn bad and rot on the vine.