There’s a chance of the red dropping below zero tonight (I mean – 32ºF), so we raided the garden. Lots and lots and lots of cayennes! There were a bunch of eggplants that aren’t very big, but together they amount to something. We picked up a bunch of apples from various Farmers Markets, and I’m in the process of making a green tomato/apple chutney right now. I’m going to can it, and Chris and I will enjoy it all winter. I doubt that any of my family members will be interested in chutney – they’re the “milder” type.
I’m heading out of town this weekend to visit my family, and I hope to bring back a truck full of manure from my uncle’s hobby farm. He said that I’ll have to go and collect it (no compost pile, I guess), but I hope that will help out the garden a lot. Then, next spring we hope to hook up with a sheep farmer in town to get another giant supply. I think our main problem (aside from the lack of sun because we’re in town and have trees) is just that our soil doesn’t have enough nutrients in it – adding some manure should definitely help out.