Last weekend I was getting kind of sick of our composting system (piling up compost behind the garden and blocking it off with skids so that Puck won’t eat it), and so I built this. It is made out of untreated 1×4 and 1×6 pine boards. Chris treated it with linseed oil after it was built. I picked up the boards in the standard/less than perfect pile for next to nothing at Menard’s last Saturday.
I’ve been neglecting our blog a bit because I’ve been very busy working… and also, we are planning a kitchen remodel this month! This means that during prime canning and freezing time, we won’t have a working kitchen in our house. Hmm. Not sure if that will be an issue or not.
I finally ripped out all of my zucchini plants, and planted peas where they were. Hopefully we’ll have sugar snap peas in September and October, if the frost holds off long enough!
So, tell us how big it is! I’ve been thinking about making one out of pallets. I would have never thought of treating it with linseed oil! Great idea!!!!
It is 4′ wide x 2′ deep x 3′ tall.
… I originally started making it 4x4x3, but that was *giant* and I took it apart and cut some of the boards in half.
I’m going to make another one that is 4′ wide x 3′ deep x 3′ tall, so we’ll have a larger one for new compost, and this one for finishing it off. You’re supposed to have at least two bins, so that you are only adding fresh cuttings/waste to one bin.
I should add… you’d still have a nice bin if you made it 2′ tall. Unless you have a large dog who likes to eat compost and can get his head over that height 🙂
This compost holder is amazing! Right now I just use a plastic bin to hold my compost, but it might be time to upgrade and build something like this.