So I’ve been busy this spring and my garden plot and seedlings aren’t what I pictured before we started this year. But thats ok. You can see the row I’ve had planted for quite a while.

In the front there are poppies which haven’t come in yet (actually, come to think of it I may have tilled where those got planted). Then there are onions, shallots, parsley root, clover and vetch surrounding broccoli raab, red cabbage and chickweed (i think – i forget where i put this exactly). Then we have what was my experiment with a cold frame where I planted radishes, several kinds of lettuces, mustard greens and turnips. This area was raised at an incline to better capture the sun and there are logs surrounding it which will hold water and continue decomposing. Behind that there are carrots and nettle planted. Then new onions planted this year. Then the peas. And finally borage which doesn’t want to sprout. And I’ve left some weeds like mullein here and there as they tend to have big root systems and are good nutrient accumulators. Kinda boring post. Oh and check out my America mug. I love America. More later…

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1 Response

  1. Amanda

    Wow, you’ve been busy! I wouldn’t recognize or know what to do with some of the things you’ve planted. 🙂

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