Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
We celebrated the day by doing “green” things…setting up our seed starting shelves, mixing up dirt in the bath tub, bringing in flats and trays from the garage, and digging out our endless supply of seeds. We set up the shelves and lights in the kitchen this year…usually we do that in the spare bedroom, but we no longer have a spare as a little guy moved in three months ago.
Chris started a whole lot of sea kale and some herbs. And probably some other things, though I wasn’t paying much attention to his trays. I started a bunch of tomatoes and peppers. A lot of the seeds were quite a few years old (2008 and 2009!), so we’ll see if they work.
On my list, so far:
Tomatoes – Amana Orange, Prize of the Trials, Prudens Purple, San Marzano.
Tomatillos – Purple and Green.
Eggplant – Snowy White and Green Raveena.
Peppers – Czechoslovakian Black, Hungarian Carrot, Hungarian Wax, Thai Hot, Marconi Red, Purira, Cayenne.
We’ll probably start cole crops in a couple of weeks.
Oh! And before I forget…here is Cedar, our little guy, and new star of the VEGarden Blog:
Happy Spring Garden Planning!